Rock Your Self Employment Tax Advantages!

Are you Self Employed or have a Side Hustle?

Either way, if you create income more than $400 per year, then YOU have some tax advantages!!

You, nor your tax professional maybe catching them all – just like a Pokemon!!

So in this workshop, learn about ways to save more in Federal taxes & maybe even learn how to use more of the tax codes that are written for ALL business owners, Big or Small- you want to catch them all!!

Promise to You: If you do not learn at least One Valuable Money or Debt Hack, You will get your money back! Pinkie Swear????

The event is finished.

Contact Us

2175 NW Raleigh St, Suite 110
Portland, OR 97210


Monday–Friday: 10:00AM–5:00PM
Saturday & Sunday: 11:00AM–3:00PM

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