Rock Your Credit Score!
This workshop will be fun and place to be playful “WHY DIDN’T ANYONE TELL ME THIS BEFORE!?!!?”…
Does your Credit Score need some boosting?
As the Economy and Inflation are hitting most Americans pretty hard, and to top that off we are trying to come out of a 3 year world-wide Pandemic, join us for some Money Hacks that can immediately help increase your Credit Score!!
This online Zoom event will put a smile of relief on your face just after 60 minutes!!
Register to obtain the Zoom link and we are looking forward to seeing you there!!
Promise to You: If you do not learn at least One Valuable Money or Debt Hack, You will get your money back! Pinkie Swear????
RSVP for your Zoom link here: https://app.moonclerk.com/pay/2jhdsgf4hcnt