#GFTalks Monthly Inspiring Networking

Make sure to clear your schedule for our Tuesday, Jan 10th @ 11:30am Pacific – #GFTALKS INSPIRING MONTHLY NETWORKING!!  Our Inspiring Guest speaker is Kristen Yaney!!!
You will be excited & thrilled to learn more from Kristen on all of her fabulous accomplishments as a Writer, Poet, Author, Comedian, & Podcaster!!!
She is Deeply Funny, and in fact, has also appropriately named her podcast the same!  That was easy!!!  She will talk about how in her weekly episodes , she plans to feature comedic interviews and heart-centers chats and keep it real!
All are welcome to join and meet other Women in Business who are passionate & have purpose! There is no price sticker for filling a gap and creating a life you are meant to live fearlessly, especially with her helping you I love your Creative Self-Expression!!!
RSVP and you will receive the Zoom link to join us!

The event is finished.

Contact Us

2175 NW Raleigh St, Suite 110
Portland, OR 97210

Email: lisa@myfinancialgirlfriend.biz

Monday–Friday: 10:00AM–5:00PM
Saturday & Sunday: 11:00AM–3:00PM

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