Focus Group Event

You feel alone as an Entrepreneur? You don’t know where to begin to reach your goals? So many decisions to make that you cannot see straight?

Let’s help you create a positive like – minded women in business community that will encourage your next action steps thru a facilitated experience with Mary Sommerset & Lisa Moon Brumm in this one – time Focus Group!!!

Think about an environment that guides you to your next level and prepares you to get your business UNSTUCK!!! Through a series of questions, and a “collective knowledge – base”, your path becomes clear and focused to attract more clients, i.e., revenue!!!!

To first serious 20 women entrepreneurs that click “GOING” will have their seats at this exclusive mindset community all to their own (first – come – first -saved)!!! *(No charge to participate, either!!)

The event is finished.

Contact Us

2175 NW Raleigh St, Suite 110
Portland, OR 97210


Monday–Friday: 10:00AM–5:00PM
Saturday & Sunday: 11:00AM–3:00PM

Grab Your Own Top 15 Money Hacks for Free!!